Friday, June 20, 2008

Fuzz and Drums - Meet Casy and Brian


Welcome to San Fransisco. Its full of bands. Left and Right. Dare I say, an Indie epicenter at the moment.

With such saturation, its beginning to be a huge blur to me. But one band steps out into the clearing just out of pure originality. That band is Casy and Brian. Filled with audio fuzz, happy up-beats, and a dynamic dual vocal technique verging on hype-man rap jams, Casy and Brian , in every meaning of the phrase, tear it up.

With down and dirty over-driven jams like "nocturnalfsunited" and technical anthems such as "deuxdrumbaclots" , they bring a sound all their own, as cliche as it sounds. If you're a fan of spaz masters like Blood Brothers , or want to hear a grittier version of Hadouken then these lads are your boat to float!

Check them out at

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